I have always been very passionate about leading an active lifestyle and discovered yoga in 1996. Since then it has been the perfect activity allowing me to move my body at my own pace.
As a doctor of nuclear physics and through my work at a hospital, I have come to realise that in order to find inner balance it is important to work on the 4 pillars of personal well-being (body, mind, emotions and spirit).
I have always strived to live my life through the principles of self-improvement and find that yoga is most beneficial, enabling me to reach an inner balance and meet the challenges of life with clarity of body and mind. Yoga has been a positively life-changing experience for me which is why I sincerely hope to share my knowledge and empower others.
At the start of 2018 I completed my yoga training at the Viennese Yoga School and since then I have been teaching yoga as a fully certified teacher.
I am equally happy to announce that I successfully completed a training at the Yoga Academy Austria in Health Yoga, and that I am now certified to develop individual yoga programs with a special focus on physical health.
In our hectic and performance-oriented world it has become more important than ever to regularly take time out for yourself to recharge your batteries.
I design yoga classes specifically customized to your needs, which are fully adaptable to your busy schedule and target areas for personal improvement.
Individual Yoga Classes:
– Hatha Yoga
– Yin Yoga
– Therapeutic Yoga (Thyroid problems, obesity, hormone problems, etc…)
Your individual classes will be organized in flexible hours, in your familiar environment with space for a yoga mat, with a special attention to your physical fitness.
The classes will be individually designed, with option of including breathing exercises and meditation.
Booking & Enquiries
If you would like to book an individual yoga class or have a question, click here.
Carpe Diem Yoga
Dr. Natasa Brasik Duridanska
Phone: +43 664 5074729
E-mail: nbrasik[at]gmail.com
We speak: English, German, Macedonian, BCS (Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian).
Write To Me
I am always happy to receive questions and feedback regarding my yoga classes and retreats.
Click on the following link to get in touch with me: Contact Me